
Priya Chauhan

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ABOUT ME: Shows topper in India Genx Fashion Week 2019 Act in short movie Cops with Cams Act in webseries Three Half Bottles INTERESTS: ACTING, MODELLING, DANCING, SINGING, ATHLETE, BASKETBALL, BADMINTON, MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER, ANCHORING, NCC- RDC & YEP & TSC CAMPS, FIRING, ADVENTURES, CYCLING, SOCIAL WORKING, INTERACTING WITH NEW PEOPLE,  TRAVELLING, TREKKING BRIEFING / BELIEVES:          Change starts  first us only Believe in Yourself ,Whatever you are U r your own beauty.. Everyone is unique personality in the world And u don’t need to be anyone’s type... For me your personality is what you are.. you just need to carry your confidence, believe in you.. believe in yourself..let your actions speak to the world.. Do your duty with full honesty  without concering the results Never let down your self respect ever Self respect but not ego Respect every human being either big or small

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